RP2040 WiFi using Microchip ATWINC1500 module: part 2

Server sockets

In part 1, we got as far as connecting an ATWINC1500 or 1510 module to a WiFi network; now it is time to do something vaguely useful with it.


A network interface is frequently referred to as a ‘socket’ interface, so first I’d better define what that is.

A socket is a logical endpoint for network communication, and consists of an IP address, and a port number. The IP address is often assigned automatically at boot-time, using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) as in part 1, but can also be pre-programmed into the unit (a ‘static’ address).

The 16-bit port number further subdivides the functionality within that IP address, so one address can support multiple simultaneous conversations (‘connections’). Furthermore, specific port numbers below 1024 are generally associated with specific functions; for example, an un-encrypted Web server normally uses port 80, whilst an encrypted server is on port 443. Port numbers 1024 and above are generally for user programs.

Clients and servers, UDP and TCP

A sever runs all the time, waiting for a client to contact it; the client is responsible for initiating the contact and providing some data, probably in the form of a request. The server returns an appropriate response, then either side may terminate the connection; the client may end it because it has received enough data, or the server because there are limits on the maximum number of simultaneous clients it can service.

There are 2 fundamental communication methods in TCP/IP: User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).

UDP is the simpler of the two, and involves sending a block of data to a given socket (port and IP address) with no guarantee that it will arrive. TCP involves sending a stream of data to a socket; it includes sophisticated retry mechanisms to ensure that the data arrives.

There are those in the networking community who shun UDP, because they think the unreliability makes is useless; I disagree, and think there are various use-cases where the simple block-based transfer is perfectly adequate, possibly overlaid with a simple retry mechanism, so we’ll start with a simple UDP server.

UDP server

The simplest UDP server is stateless, i.e. it doesn’t store any information about the client; it just responds to any request it receives. This means that a single socket can handle multiple clients, unlike TCP which requires a unique socket for each client it is communicating with.

For a classic C socket interface, the steps would be:

  1. Create a datagram socket using socket()
  2. Bind to the socket to a specific port using bind()
  3. When a message is received on that port, get the data, return address and port number using recvfrom()
  4. Send response data to the remote address and port number using sendto()
  5. Go to step 3

The code driving the ATWINC1500 module does the same job, but the function calls are a bit different, as they reflect the messages sent to & received from the WiFi module:

  1. Initialise a socket structure for UDP
  2. Send a BIND command to the module, with the port number
  3. Receive a BIND response
  4. Send a RECVFROM command to the module
  5. Wait until a RECVFROM response is received, get the data, return address & port number
  6. Send a SENDTO command to the module with the response data, return address & port number
  7. Go to step 4

Note that there may be a very long wait between steps 4 and 5, if there are no clients contacting the server. Fortunately the module will signal the arrival of a message by asserting the interrupt request (IRQ) line, so the RP2040 CPU can proceed with other tasks while waiting.

UDP Reception

There are 4 steps when the module receives a packet (‘datagram’) from a remote client:

  1. Get the group ID and operation. This identifies the message type; for UDP it will generally be a response to a RECVFROM request, but it could be something completely different. My software combines the group ID and operation into a single 16-bit number.
  2. Get the operation-specific header. This is generally 16 bytes or less, and in the case of RECVFROM, gives the IP address and port number of the sender, also a pointer & offset to the user data in the buffer.
  3. Get the user data. The application doesn’t need to fetch all the incoming data; for example, in the case of a Web server, it might just get the first line of the page request, and discard all the other information.
  4. Handle socket errors. If there is an error, the data length-value will be negative, and the code must take appropriate action, such as closing and re-opening the server socket. Since a UDP socket is connectionless, it generally won’t see many errors, but a TCP socket will flag an error every time a client closes an active connection.

For RECVFROM, the step 1 & 2 headers are:

// HIF message header
typedef struct {
    uint8_t gid, op;
    uint16_t len;

// Operation-specific header
typedef struct {
    SOCK_ADDR addr;
    int16_t dlen; // (status)
    uint16_t oset;
    uint8_t sock, x;
    uint16_t session;

Having fetched these two blocks, control is passed to a state machine that takes appropriate action. If we’ve just received an indication that DHCP has succeeded, then we bind the server sockets.

    if (gop==GOP_DHCP_CONF)
        for (sock=MIN_SOCKET; sock<MAX_SOCKETS; sock++)
            sp = &sockets[sock];
            if (sp->state==STATE_BINDING)
                put_sock_bind(fd, sock, sp->localport);

When we get a message indicating the binding has succeeded, then if it is a TCP socket, we need to send a LISTEN command. If UDP, we can just send a RECVFROM, and wait for data to arrive. We can tell whether the socket is TCP or UDP by looking at the socket number; the lower numbers are TCP, and higher are UDP.

    else if (gop==GOP_BIND && (sock=rmp->bind.sock)<MAX_SOCKETS &&
        sock_state(sock, STATE_BOUND);
        if (sock < MIN_UDP_SOCK)
            put_sock_listen(fd, sock);
            put_sock_recvfrom(fd, sock);

If a UDP server, we may now get a RECVFROM response, indicating that a packet (‘datagram’) has arrived. If so, we save the return socket address (IP and port number), call a handler function, then send another RECVFROM request.

    else if (gop==GOP_RECVFROM && (sock=rmp->recv.sock)<MAX_SOCKETS &&
        memcpy(&sp->addr, &rmp->recv.addr, sizeof(SOCK_ADDR));
        if (sp->handler)
            sp->handler(fd, sock, rmp->recv.dlen);
        put_sock_recvfrom(fd, sock);

A very simple handler just echoes back the incoming data:

uint8_t databuff[MAX_DATALEN];

// Handler for UDP echo
void udp_echo_handler(int fd, uint8_t sock, int rxlen)
    if (rxlen>0 && get_sock_data(fd, sock, databuff, rxlen))
        put_sock_sendto(fd, sock, databuff, rxlen);

UDP client for testing

For testing, I use a simple UDP client written in Python, that can run on a Raspberry Pi, or any PC running Linux or Windows. It sends a message every second, and checks for a response. You’ll need to change the IP address to match the DCHP value given by the module.

# Simple Python client for testing UDP server
import socket, time

ADDR = ""
PORT = 1025
MESSAGE = b"Test %u"

def hex_str(bytes):
    return " ".join([("%02x" % int(b)) for b in bytes])

print("Send to UDP %s:%s" % (ADDR, PORT))
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
count = 1
while True:
    msg = MESSAGE % count
    sock.sendto(msg, (ADDR, PORT))
    print("Tx %u: %s" % (len(msg), hex_str(msg)))
    count += 1
        data = sock.recvfrom(1000)
        data = None
    if data:
        bytes, addr = data
        s = hex_str(bytes)
        print("Rx %u: %s\n" % (len(bytes), s))

TCP server

A TCP connection is more complex than UDP, since the module firmware must keep track of the data that is sent & received, in order to correct any errors. The steps for a classic C socket interface would be:

  1. Create a ‘stream’ socket using socket()
  2. Bind to the socket to a specific port using bind()
  3. Set the socket to wait for incoming connections using listen()
  4. When a connection request is received on the main socket, open a new socket for the data using accept()
  5. When data arrives on the new socket, get it using recv()
  6. Send response data using send()
  7. If socket error or transfer complete, close socket. Otherwise go to step 5

The corresponding operations for the WiFi module are:

  1. Initialise a socket structure for TCP
  2. Send a BIND command to the module, with the port number
  3. Receive a BIND response
  4. Send a LISTEN command
  5. Receive a LISTEN response
  6. Receive an ACCEPT notification when a connection request arrives on the main socket. Save the new socket number.
  7. Send a RECV command on the new socket.
  8. Receive a RECV response when data arrives on the new socket
  9. Send response data using SEND
  10. Go to step 7, or close the new socket

TCP reception

The first step (binding a socket to a port number) is the same as for UDP, but then we send a LISTEN command, which activates the socket to receive incoming connections. When a client connects, we get an ACCEPT response containing 2 socket numbers; the first is the one that we used for the original BIND command, and the second is a new socket that will be used for the data transfer; we need to issue a RECV on this socket to get the user data.

    else if (gop==GOP_ACCEPT &&
             (sock=rmp->accept.listen_sock)<MAX_SOCKETS &&
             (sock2=rmp->accept.conn_sock)<MAX_SOCKETS &&
        memcpy(&sockets[sock2].addr, &rmp->recv.addr, sizeof(SOCK_ADDR));
        sockets[sock2].handler = sockets[sock].handler;
        sock_state(sock2, STATE_CONNECTED);
        put_sock_recv(fd, sock2);

When data is available, the RECV command will return, and we can call a data handler function, then send another RECV for more data. Alternatively, if the data length is negative, then there is an error, and the socket needs to be closed. This isn’t necessarily as bad as it sounds; the most common reason is that the client has closed the connection, and we just need to erase the 2nd socket for future use.

    else if (gop==GOP_RECV && (sock=rmp->recv.sock)<MAX_SOCKETS &&
        if (sp->handler)
            sp->handler(fd, sock, rmp->recv.dlen);
        if (rmp->recv.dlen > 0)
            put_sock_recv(fd, sock);

The TCP data handler is again a simple echo-back of the incoming data, but with an added complication: if the data length is negative, there has been an error. This isn’t as bad as it sounds; the most common error is that the client has closed the TCP connection, so the server must also close its data socket, to allow it to be re-used for a new connection.

// Handler for TCP echo
void tcp_echo_handler(int fd, uint8_t sock, int rxlen)
    if (rxlen < 0)
        put_sock_close(fd, sock);
    else if (rxlen>0 && get_sock_data(fd, sock, databuff, rxlen))
        put_sock_send(fd, sock, databuff, rxlen);

TCP client for testing

This is similar to the UDP client; it can run on a Raspberry Pi or PC, running Linux or Windows:

# Simple Python client for testing TCP server
import socket, time

ADDR = ""
PORT = 1025
MESSAGE = b"Test %u"

def hex_str(bytes):
    return " ".join([("%02x" % int(b)) for b in bytes])

print("Send to TCP %s:%s" % (ADDR, PORT))
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect((ADDR, PORT))
count = 1
while True:
    msg = MESSAGE % count
    print("Tx %u: %s" % (len(msg), hex_str(msg)))
    count += 1
        data = sock.recv(1000)
        data = None
    if data:
        s = hex_str(data)
        print("Rx %u: %s\n" % (len(data), s))

Source files

The C source files are in the ‘part2’ directory on  Github here

The default network name and passphrase are “testnet” and “testpass”; these must be changed to match your network, then the code will need to be rebuilt & run using the standard Pico devlopment environment.

The default TCP & UDP port numbers are 1025, and the Python programs I’ve provided can be used to perform simple simple echo tests, providing the IP address is modified to match that given when the Pico joins the network.

python tcp_tx.py
Send to TCP
Tx 6: 54 65 73 74 20 31
Rx 6: 54 65 73 74 20 31

Tx 6: 54 65 73 74 20 32
Rx 6: 54 65 73 74 20 32
..and so on..

python udp_tx.py
Send to UDP
Tx 6: 54 65 73 74 20 31
Rx 6: 54 65 73 74 20 31

Tx 6: 54 65 73 74 20 32
Rx 6: 54 65 73 74 20 32
..and so on..

Copyright (c) Jeremy P Bentham 2021. Please credit this blog if you use the information or software in it.

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